AnxietyĀ Rewired Blog

Learn more about our Christ Centered approach to reversing anxiety and chronic symptoms, so you can thrive again!

How to Stop the Fear and Anxiety Cycle?: 5 Practical Steps

Dec 15, 2023


Before diving into the practical steps to stop the fear and anxiety cycle,  let's take a moment to understand the basis of each.


Anxiety at its core is a protective mechanism that triggers the body’s fight flight freeze stress response. 


Fear is the primary emotion that triggers this protective mechanism in response to real or perceived threats.   If you dig deep enough, fear is at the foundation of all anxiety.  In essence: 


Anxiety Does Not Exist in The Absence of Fear.


Step 1: Acknowledge the Battle

We are told in Ephesians:

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood , but against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” 

(Ephesians: 6:12) 

Before we can conquer fear and anxiety, we must acknowledge that we are in a battle. Fear is not a mere fleeting emotion. We are instructed not to fear over 300 times in the Bible because, left unchecked, this powerful emotion has profound physical, emotional and spiritual consequences.  Fear triggers the release of stress hormones that can linger in the bloodstream, potentially giving rise to various symptoms. Over time, these symptoms have the potential to develop into strongholds and deeply ingrained patterns in our lives. Recognizing this reality is the initial stride toward achieving victory.

Scripture Insight: The Bible reminds us in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 

Recognize that fear is not from God but is a spiritual battle that can be overcome through His power.

Step 2: Renew Your Mind

Fear and anxiety, if not renewed, will inevitably take root in our thought and behavior patterns.  They can invade our soul and steal our joy and peace. To interrupt these negative pathways, we must continually renew and rewire our brains with truth. 

Tip: Spend time in prayer, and scripture meditation, to replace fearful thoughts with God's promises. Envision these promises actually coming to pass in your life.   

  • Scripture Insight: Romans 12:2 encourages us, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—His good, pleasing, and perfect will." 

By renewing your mind with God's truth, you align your thoughts with His will.

Step 3: Practice Thankfulness and Trust

Thankfulness and trust are powerful antidotes to fear. Cultivate a habit of thankfulness by focusing on the blessings in your life. Growing in trust involves frequently revisiting moments of God's faithfulness in your own life and reflecting on the countless examples of His faithfulness throughout the Bible.

By recalling how God has continually shown His love, care, and faithfulness to His people in the past, you can strengthen your trust in Him for the present and the future.

Keep in Mind: He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

Scripture Insight: Philippians 4:6-7 assures us, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 

Thankfulness and trust pave the way for God's peace to replace fear and anxiety.

If you struggle with trust, start with hope!

Step 4: Shift the Focus From Fear and Anxiety to Seeking First the Kingdom

This is where the game changes: Shifting your perspective from being controlled by fear and anxiety to seeking God's kingdom first means you no longer allow your emotions and symptoms to dictate your thoughts or behaviors. Instead, it's God's Word that takes the helm. This shift perfectly aligns with Jesus' teaching in Matthew when He said, 

"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

(Matthew 6:33)

See, constantly chasing anxiety or a symptom-free life can be downright exhausting, and plays right into the enemy’s hand.  If he can keep you focused on how horrible you feel or searching for answers, then you are less effective for the kingdom and less of a threat to him.

But when you make the choice to prioritize seeking God's kingdom first, it's like taking a deep breath and releasing the need to micromanage every aspect of your life and health. Your body can then shift into a state of rest and repair, and before you know it, you'll notice a significant reduction in fear and anxiety.

Step 5: Consider Christ Centered Neuroplasticity 

Neuroplasticity, frequently described as brain retraining, is the practice of leveraging the brain's remarkable capacity for change. It entails the deconstruction of old and obsolete neural pathways while constructing new ones that are conducive to emotional and physical well-being.

Scientific research has unequivocally shown that the brain possesses the remarkable ability to adapt and rewire itself in response to focused and consistent efforts. Brain retraining programs are designed to provide a structured and intentional approach to facilitate these enduring changes.

Incorporating Christ-centered neuroplasticity into your journey takes this concept to a higher level. It means inviting God into the process of rewiring your brain, acknowledging His role as the ultimate healer and transformer. By aligning your neuroplasticity efforts with your faith, you merge science with scripture creating a holistic approach to healing and transformation.

By combining the principles of neuroplasticity with your faith in Christ, you begin on a redemptive journey that addresses the underlying causes of fear and anxiety. This integrative approach offers not only lasting relief but also a deepening of your relationship with God as you allow Him to guide your path to healing and peace.

Ready to learn more about the transformative power of Christ-centered neuroplasticity and take the next step toward rewiring fear, anxiety, chronic symptoms, and sensitivities? 


Join me in a short training video, where we dive deeper into the 5-step method to unlock lasting healing and peace. 


[Discover the 5 Step Brain Retraining Method to Rewire Anxiety, Fatigue, Chronic Symptoms and Sensitivities


Don't miss out on this opportunity to experience the abundant life God has in store for you. Your journey to freedom begins here!


Grace and Peace,


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