Speak Life: How Your Words Change Your Brain Jun 29, 2024

Your Words Matter.

Words hold the power to shape your thoughts, influence your emotions, and as you will soon see, rewire your brain.

 As high-achieving Christian women facing the challenges of anxiety along with a list of symptoms and sensitivities, you might feel stuck in your struggle. But there’s something powerful you can do right now to start moving the needle.

Let’s explore the amazing connection between the words you speak and your physical, emotional, and spiritual...

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What's the Difference? Brain Retraining vs. Talk Therapy Feb 19, 2024

In my personal healing journey, I was able to completely recover from persistent anxiety and panic attacks plus over 20 chronic and debilitating symptoms and sensitivities. It all started when I began working with an amazing therapist who provided valuable insights and helped me move forward in my quest for freedom.

Through therapy, I gained important insights into my personal stressors and trauma, which allowed me to make meaningful connections.

But little did I know that this therapy...

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Should Christians Be Using Visualization? Jan 27, 2024

Should Christians Be Using Visualization? 

Well, it depends.

Visualizations often get a bad rap due to their association with the New Age movement and their self-centered and esoteric applications. 

When pursuing healing, as christians we want to seek methods that align with our Christian faith and values. One such powerful tool that combines faith with science is the practice of spiritually healthy visualizations. Before we dive into the incredible benefits of this practice,...

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Finding Freedom From Anxiety, Fatigue and Food Sensitivities: Signs of a Renewed Mind Jan 23, 2024

Signs of a Renewed Mind:

In our Christian journey, we often hear the call to have a renewed mind, as mentioned by the apostle Paul in Romans 12:2: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." But what does it mean to truly experience this renewal in the context of our daily struggles, especially when dealing with challenges like anxiety, fatigue, and food sensitivities? It goes beyond mere words and requires a genuine transformation in our...

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How to Rewire Anxiety for Symptom Relief, The Missing Link Jan 06, 2024

Perhaps you're a committed Googler, tirelessly searching for answers to the mysteries surrounding your latest symptoms or sensitivities. Maybe you yearn to reclaim a life filled with peace and resilience, where you can enjoy your life without the looming fear of how you will feel or react.

In the relentless pursuit of symptom relief, we can quickly find ourselves navigating through a maze of treatment options. Whether it's anxiety, fatigue, headaches, or digestive issues, seeking relief...

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How to Stop the Fear and Anxiety Cycle?: 5 Practical Steps Dec 15, 2023


Before diving into the practical steps to stop the fear and anxiety cycle,  let's take a moment to understand the basis of each.


Anxiety at its core is a protective mechanism that triggers the body’s fight flight freeze stress response. 


Fear is the primary emotion that triggers this protective mechanism in response to real or perceived threats.   If you dig deep enough, fear is at the foundation of all anxiety.  In essence: 



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What is Anxiety, Really?: Finding Freedom through Christian Brain Rewiring Nov 25, 2023

Anxiety—a word that carries a lot of weight, especially in today's world. It's a term that's often misunderstood and carries with it a certain stigma, particularly within Christian circles. But it's high time we demystified this word and cleared up the misconceptions that surround it. The first step towards that clarity is education, so let's dive in and set the record straight.

Understanding the Brain's Role in Anxiety

So, what exactly is anxiety? At its core, anxiety is a protective...

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Natural Anxiety and Sensitivity Relief : No Medications, Supplements or Restrictive Diets Required Nov 18, 2023


Are you seeking natural methods to conquer anxiety and sensitivities without relying on medications, supplements, or restrictive diets? You're not alone. Worries about medication side effects, dependency, and potential interactions with other drugs can influence this choice. Additionally, the financial burden of functional practitioners and supplement protocols that are not covered by insurance companies can quickly add up. Restrictive diets, and other avoidance behaviors, while may...

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Anxiety and Chronic Symptom Relief: Tips for Creating Impactful Visualizations Nov 06, 2023

 If anxiety responded to verbal commands you probably would not be reading this post because you would be feeling amazing, calm and relaxed and living life to its fullest. Unfortunately, symptoms of anxiety do not respond well to someone saying, 'Calm down' or 'Don't worry.' It's less concerned with words and more attuned to emotions and experiences. This is why we often find ourselves stuck in a loop of anxiety and chronic symptoms – our attempts to reason alone with this part of...

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What is Self-Directed Neuroplasticity and Brain Retraining??? Oct 18, 2023

In today's modern and  fallen world, anxiety, fatigue and food sensitivities have become commonplace challenges for many, and Christians are no exception. The constant demands of work, family, and personal responsibilities can take a toll on all aspects of health, as well as emotional and spiritual well-being. That's why it's not surprising that more and more people are seeking effective all natural ways to alleviate these burdens. One powerful, oftentimes overlooked and underutilized...

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What Is Brain Retraining?: Can It Help Me? Oct 18, 2023

Is Brain Retraining Right for You? 3 Key Indicators

Have you found yourself in a seemingly endless battle with chronic conditions that refuse to loosen their grip on your life? Have you spent countless days and nights searching for answers, seeking solace in the offices of numerous healthcare professionals, and trying countless remedies, only to find yourself still wrestling with anxious thinking and unexplained symptoms and sensitivities? On the outside you look healthy, but inside you feel,...

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From Anxiety to Abundance: How Your Identity in Christ Changes Everything Oct 17, 2023

Embracing Your Identity in Christ for Lasting Transformation

In the journey toward healing and transformation, it's often said that the mind is our most powerful tool. Our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions shape not only our emotional well-being but also our physical health. As Christians, we have access to a profound truth that can unlock the door to lasting transformation: our identity in Christ.

The Struggle with Negative Thought Patterns

Frequently, individuals grappling with health...

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