AnxietyĀ Rewired Blog

Learn more about our Christ Centered approach to reversing anxiety and chronic symptoms, so you can thrive again!

Natural Anxiety and Sensitivity Relief : No Medications, Supplements or Restrictive Diets Required

Nov 18, 2023


Are you seeking natural methods to conquer anxiety and sensitivities without relying on medications, supplements, or restrictive diets? You're not alone. Worries about medication side effects, dependency, and potential interactions with other drugs can influence this choice. Additionally, the financial burden of functional practitioners and supplement protocols that are not covered by insurance companies can quickly add up. Restrictive diets, and other avoidance behaviors, while may give some relief, tend to dampen the enjoyment of dining out and celebrations and are rarely sustainable. A growing number of individuals are exploring self-directed neuroplasticity programs as an evidence based option that empowers them with the tools they need in a system that works to finally break free from anxiety, fatigue, food sensitivities and so much more.

The Renew & Rewire Training Method

Renew & Rewire is one such program specifically designed to renew the mind, and rewire the brain for nervous system regulation. The Program empowers you with Biblical truths and neuroplasticity tools you can use for the rest of your life that are also backed by the latest research in neuroscience, and do not require the use of medications, supplements or restrictive diets.

The Power of The Word of God: Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is the brain's remarkable, God created ability to adapt, change and heal throughout our lives. It's a fundamental concept that can be leveraged to naturally reverse anxiety, fatigue, chronic symptoms and sensitivities. By harnessing neuroplasticity, and the promises in the Word of God, individuals can rewire their neural pathways to break free from negative thought patterns, emotional responses, and behaviors associated with anxiety and other conditions.

This process involves conscious efforts and actively participating with God to redirect and renew these pathways, essentially establishing new connections that lead to improved spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being. By understanding and applying God’s word and neuroplasticity principles, individuals can take control of their healing journey and reduce reliance on external interventions like medications or supplements and eliminate the need for restrictive liefestyles. Brain rewiring is a powerful tool in promoting lasting relief and improved quality of life while forging deeper faith.

In this Blog we will discuss 5 Brain rewiring tips so you can get started on your journey today

5 All Natural Tips to Begin Rewiring Your Brain Today

Tip 1: Be on the lookout for glimmers of God's goodness throughout your day.   

What we focus on or give our attention to creates neural connections in the brain, making them easier to access in the future. The more we set our attention on a specific thought or activity the more we prime the pathways, creating lasting changes to brain structure and function. So make a conscious effort to look for the beauty in all things

For example, If you pass by a dilapidated home on your daily walk, instead of fixating on the rotting wood, or the chipped paint, choose to see the beauty of the often overlooked rosebush that might be in the yard. Call out, search for and take time to savor His goodness in all things

Tip #2: Start and end the day with prayer

This may seem obvious but morning and evening prayer priming acts as powerful bookends to your day. This rhythm is to be used right as you wake up and right before falling asleep, conveniently from the comfort of your bed, and it could take as little as 1 to 2 minutes.

By establishing these rhythms with God, you cultivate a faith-filled mindset for the day and set the stage for a peaceful and restful night's sleep. In the morning, use this time to set positive intentions for the day ahead. Focus on gratitude, affirmations and listening for God to speak. Take a moment to envision God walking closely with you throughout the day. 

In the evening, continue to practice gratitude. Reflect on the blessings and positive experiences that occurred during the day, and look ahead to tomorrow with great expectation. This helps your brain end the day on a positive note, promoting restful sleep and faithful expectations for tomorrow.  This AM/ PM prayer rhythm helps rewire your brain, aligning your thoughts with faith and God's truth. 

Tip #3 Opt for lighthearted, relaxing or uplifting, news, entertainment and activities 

We are instructed in Phillipians 4:8-9 

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."

God did not design us to be inundated with negativity 24/7 and your brain does not do a very good job at distinguishing what you see and hear from what you are actually experiencing and these experiences get stored as memories. A good rule of thumb when retraining the brain is to ask yourself the following:

  • What brain chemistry is this promoting?
  • Is this promoting stress hormones (CAN chemistry) or happiness hormones? (DOSE chemistry)

Tip #4: Change up your routine or acquire new skills 

This could practically look like moving furniture around, driving a new route to work, sitting on the opposite side of the couch, or using your non-dominant hand.  These changes inform the brain that you are doing a new thing!

When I began my journey, I decided I was going to start brushing my teeth with my left hand.  For months I had to remind myself to do this.  I kept at it, and I will never forget the first time I realized I had used my left hand without having to think about it.  That was reassurance that in fact the brain can and will adapt.

Tip #5: Embrace Playfulness 

Embracing playful silliness, has “serious” brain retraining benefits. 

It can:

  1. Increase happiness hormones (DOSE Chemistry)
  2. Decrease stress hormones (CAN Chemistry)
  3. Decrease inflammation. 

Many of us were told by adults in our past to “stop acting so silly” thereby reducing or eliminating our silliness factor! A Brain retraining principle is finding ways to elevate or shift your mood each day and acting playful and silly is one way to do that. 

At first it may be difficult to revive your silliness simply because your brain has learned not to be silly. In time, it will relearn and you will reap the benefits.

Curious to learn more about Christ centered Brain Retraining? Join me for a free training session to delve deeper into the Renew & Rewire 5 Step Training Method 

[Discover the 5 Step Brain Retraining Method to Rewire Anxiety, Fatigue, Chronic Symptoms and Sensitivities

Together, let's embrace a life filled with peace, resilience, and renewed energy. By leveraging the power of Brain Retraining, integrating faith and biblical principles, you can start on a journey of profound transformation and healing—a journey that offers hope for a brighter, more peaceful future free from limitations 

Grace and Peace,


Get started with our Free Training


Discover the all natural,Ā Christ-centered, 5 step method designed to regulate the stress response, and reverse chronic symptoms and sensitivities associated with anxiety/panic, fatigue, migraines, depression, chronic pain, food sensitivities and more.

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